Dal New York Times: Etruscan tomb in Tuscany

Da New York Times, 21 agosto 2007 Tuscan Hills Are Alive With Amateur Archaeologists The Etruscan tomb was hidden in such a remote corner of Tuscany that Andrea Marcocci, the archaeology student who found and identified it about a decade ago, was not very worried… Articolo completo→

Categorie: Odysseus

Da CNN.com: Intact Etruscan tomb discovered

Da CNN.com, 14 agosto 2007 ROME, Italy (Reuters) — Archaeologists have discovered a more than 2,000-year-old Etruscan tomb perfectly preserved in the hills of Tuscany with a treasure trove of artifacts inside, including urns that hold the remains of about 30 people. The tomb, in… Articolo completo→

Categorie: Odysseus